About Me

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Hiya I'm Tonya! I'm an avid psper, have been for a few years and finally have me a blog that I've been working on slowly getting stuff added to. I started writing tuts and recently started making masks and templates. I LOVE to see creations you've made with my things, if you'd like to email me please do so at aquaspinner@gmail.com ................................................. My TOU are as follows: All of my items are personal use only NO Commercial Use, please do not share (distribute) my stuff in groups, just send people here to grab please. ♥ Tutorial writers, if you wish to use my stuff in your tutorials, of course I am honored! You're more than welcome to use my stuff in them, I only require that you link to me and send people here to grab the goodies that you are using in the tut. ................................................. Hope you'll enjoy what I have for ya and thanks for stopping by. ♥

Cluster Frame TOU

Thank you SO much for being so interested in my cluster frames. I love that you enjoy using them.

However I do have a request, please do NOT credit me as the cluster frame on your tags. Although I assembled it, I do not believe I deserve any such credit. If anything, please list Scrapkit by, (assuming you didn't add other bit by a different designer to your tag of course). I'd prefer not be given credit for simply assembling the cluster frame. Thank you ♥

My Artist CTs ♥


My CTs ♥


My Guest CTs ♥



Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Animated forum set creation using an amazing animation by Rebel Dezigns, with a beautiful sparkle to add to the glistening summer sun as she has the perfect amount of shade as the day heats on up.  Time to curl those toes into the warm sand as the waves crash in the distance and enjoy the breezy summer day with a cool drink on the side.  You can purchase this wonderful animation package here at CDO.

I used one of the amazing Diamond Club exclusive tubes - artwork is by amazing artist Anna Liwanag.  Not a Diamond Club member?  No problem, here is how you can find out how to become a member here, there is a lot of awesome benefits of it.  I also used 2 different kits by Chichi Designz, unfortunately her kits have now been retired from CDO.

Saturday, July 28, 2018
CT Tag made for the ever-amazing Tasha of Tasha's Playground using a very soft and feminine kit she made to match a bonus tube last month at CDO.  This kit will work well with many different artist tubes though.  Very soft, feather-light whispers of the wind slowly blowing the hair in the subtle breeze with the sparkle of dawn's early light as the butterflies do their dance to greet the beautiful day as she sits and enjoys the beautiful summer's day.  You can purchase this wonderful kit here at CDO exclusively.

I chose to use this kit with the amazing art of Anna Liwanag, whose tubes are also available for purchase at CDO here.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018
CT Tag creation using one of the new kits by Chaos Priestess this month, which is so beautifully perfect, with special touches of love to spice up your creations and give them an elegant vintage feel at the same time. Time flows seamlessly when you are with the one you love, time waits for no one so treasure each moment you have with those you love.  You can purchase this wonderful kit at CDO here exclusively.

With this kit I used the elegant art of Jennifer Janesko, whose art tubes are also available for purchase at CDO here.

Sunday, July 22, 2018
CT Timeline set for Foxy's Designz using an amazing IB kit which is extremely versatile, it was made to go with a cutesy fairy but you can go to a very elegant theme as well with it as this kit is filled with such pretty colors and all sorts of sparkly fun.  We all know a girl loves her sparkle as the summer sun gives a sun-kissed glow to everything, and the warm breezes flowing softly in the distance as she cools herself while waiting for her special someone.  You can purchase this wonderful kit here at CDO exclusively.

With this adorable kit, I used with the elegant art of Jamie Kidd, whose art tubes are available for purchase here at CDO as well.

CT tag featuring the amazing bonus that Barb Jensen has in her store - called Coy Toy and oh my goodness does this tube have tons of possibilities, she looks very coy indeed and she just wants to play a lil game and has brought her teddy bear with her too!  She is all grown up but every lady still has to have her teddy bear with her.  You can check out Barb's store here for details on how to get this lush tube, but do hurry, it is only available until August 2nd when you purchase any $9 worth of tubes from her store.

Saturday, July 21, 2018
CT Tag made with an incredible kit by Patty of Honored Scraps, she made this as a super wonderful surprise for my birthday, how sweet is she???  The beauty of the color pink in its softest shades and all things girly and cute in a very elegant theme fill this kit in a very feminine fashion, which Patty has done to absolute perfection.  You can purchase this wonderful kit called, Oh Tonya!!! exclusively at CDO here.

With this beautiful kit I used an amazing bonus tube by Andreea Cernestean, which I had received from CDO last year.  Although this bonus tube is retired, you can check out her other wonderful tubes available for purchase here at CDO as well.

CT Tag featuring one of the incredible new tubes by Barbara Jensen that was released in her store this week.  Baubles and Beads is all about the glamour, the moment of beauty we take for ourselves.  The inspiration that we find, it comes to us in many different facets and the enjoyment of the simplest things which may not be immediate but they are so worth waiting for.  Take the time to revel in those simple things and life becomes that much more beautiful.  You can purchase this amazing package in Barb's store here, and don't forget the amazing bonus she has available too!  But hurry it is only available until August 2nd so don't miss out.

CT Tag featuring one of the amazing new tubes released at Barb's store this week called Jungle Jane, the layers with her tubes are amazing as always!  This is a gorgeous lady tube that holds her elegance about her - her grace and beauty shine from within and are not contrived, they are just part of who she is, the extra bits we add are merely accessorizing!  You can purchase this amazing package in Barb's store here.  Also don't forget she has an amazing bonus tube on offer until August 2nd but hurry, you do not want to miss out on her!

With this tube I used an amazing kit by Ladyhawwk Designs which is also available for purchase in Barb's store here as well.

Friday, July 20, 2018
Animated CT tag using one of the amazing new tubes by Barbara Jensen that was just released this week.  Tube No Slouch is exactly that, she knows that her inner beauty far outshines that of the outer designs that can be added to add a little glitz and shine.  As she sits in the beauty of the outdoors in a field of soft lilacs and their fragrant beauty, the beauty from within glows ever more brightly.  You can purchase this amazing tube and package here at Barb's store.  Also don't delay, there is an amazing bonus called Coy Toy, but it is only available until August 2nd so you best hurry!

With this I used an amazing kit by Ladyhawwk Designs which can be purchased at CDO here.

While playing with the amazing collab by the fabulous designers at CDO this month, I couldn't help but make a tag, and even a matching timeline.  Such an adorable kit and this is coming from someone that doesn't like coffee at all LOL!  You can get this wonderful kit all this month yet, all you have to do to get it is to purchase any 3 kits at CDO, check out the details for it here.

I used a combination of the kits and made this timeline and tag using an oh-so-cute tube by artist Cuddly Rigor Mortis, which can be purchased here at CDO as well.

Monday, July 16, 2018
So it appears my mojo has gone on summer vacation (eeep I haven't told my CTs this yet, hope they still love me anyways LOL) and I decided to make some masks instead.  Nothing too fancy, I made some a few weeks ago for a special challenge and all, but decided to have my hand at making a few for my blog too.

First ones I've made for my blog in FIVE years :O  don't look at the old ones please they are not that good lol.

There is no preview....... because I am lazy really.  Just click on the mask full size to view and right click and save.  Please do not share these, but rather share a link to my blog to get so they can see any other pretties I may have.  These are also PERSONAL USE ONLY.

Any questions please let me know....

Sunday, July 15, 2018
CT Tag for Ladyhawwk Designs featuring an adorable kit she made last year that is just so adorable and perfect for a recent tube also by Maryline Cazenave.  This kitty has been hard at work today running and chasing things that are of the most supreme interest to a kitty that it is now time for a lil bit of a kitty siesta!  Sometimes these siestas come in the strangest of places but oh has snuggled right in and the time is just right.  You can purchase this wonderful kit here at CDO exclusively.

I used this kit with one of the adorable tubes that released last month by Maryline Cazenave, which can be purchased here at CDO as well.

There is also a matching wallpaper for this one as well:

You can download it here in size 1920x1080.

CT Tag for Dee with her incredible new kit called On My Mind.  What a splendid mix of beauty and a spirit from within of one special person that is always on your mind and within your heart.  Sometimes we are not looking for that special someone but that person finds us and takes up residence in our thoughts and mind and most importantly the heart and we wonder how could life have ever held meaning without that person in it?  You can purchase this kit exclusively at Dee's store here.

With this beautiful kit, I used the glorious art of Alena Lazareva, this image is such a beautiful one, showing her lost in wonderment of thoughts of love.  You can purchase her art tubes at CDO here.

I also made this into a matching wallpaper:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.

So I had made a tag with an adorable Marika tube and as I was making this tag I decided to make a template and then tag it soooooooo voila here is the template.  I let the amazing taggers of Creative Misfits play with it first of course, but now I give to my blog followers.  I hope you will enjoy and I love to see results of course too!

You can download my template here, please remember NO SHARING.  If people want the template just send them here to my blog to get, thank you!

Here is the tag that I made with it too:

Grab My Blinkie


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