About Me

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Hiya I'm Tonya! I'm an avid psper, have been for a few years and finally have me a blog that I've been working on slowly getting stuff added to. I started writing tuts and recently started making masks and templates. I LOVE to see creations you've made with my things, if you'd like to email me please do so at aquaspinner@gmail.com ................................................. My TOU are as follows: All of my items are personal use only NO Commercial Use, please do not share (distribute) my stuff in groups, just send people here to grab please. ♥ Tutorial writers, if you wish to use my stuff in your tutorials, of course I am honored! You're more than welcome to use my stuff in them, I only require that you link to me and send people here to grab the goodies that you are using in the tut. ................................................. Hope you'll enjoy what I have for ya and thanks for stopping by. ♥

Cluster Frame TOU

Thank you SO much for being so interested in my cluster frames. I love that you enjoy using them.

However I do have a request, please do NOT credit me as the cluster frame on your tags. Although I assembled it, I do not believe I deserve any such credit. If anything, please list Scrapkit by, (assuming you didn't add other bit by a different designer to your tag of course). I'd prefer not be given credit for simply assembling the cluster frame. Thank you ♥

My Artist CTs ♥


My CTs ♥


My Guest CTs ♥



Tuesday, May 30, 2017
CT Timeline set for the ever-creative Amy of Gimptastic Scraps using a gorgeous kit she recently released called Gothic Rose.  This is a wonderfully dark kit, that reaches deep in the darkest caverns of one's soul.  As the night falls, the creatures are out and about, but their danger is not what it appears, for there is comfort in the darkness, a familiarity all of us can feel when we embrace the dark side, will it find you?  You can purchase this wonderful kit here at CDO.

With this scrapkit, I decided to use an amazing image by Rossana Castellino, whose art tubes are available for purchase here at CDO.

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Monday, May 29, 2017
CT Tag for the amazing Ladyhawwk Designs using a stunning scrapkit she made to match one of this month's wonderful bonus tubes.  This kit is filled with the signs and smells of spring.  The fragrant beauty of the blooming flowers as the grow strong to their full glory.  The beautiful spring days are growing longer and warmer as everything flourishes around us.  You can purchase this wonderful kit exclusively at CDO here.

I decided to use with a wonderful tube by Anna Liwanag, whose art tubes are available for purchase here at CDO as well.

I have also made a matching wallpaper for this tag:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.

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Sunday, May 28, 2017
CT Tag for Rebecca Sinz using her amazing image Serenity.  The darkness of the night has surrounded her, and while it may seem scary, she is never more peaceful and serene as the darkness falls.  She finds the serenity that she has been seeking, the true clarity of where she must go.  You can purchase this tube in her store here.  I paired this up with a magical scrapkit by Chichi Designz called Whispers of Nature, which can be purchased in her store here.

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Thursday, May 25, 2017
CT tag with matching wallpaper with an amazing scrapkit bundle for Enys Guerrero Package 29 and matching kit by Foxy's Designz.  This package is deliciously dark, showing the pain from inside of a broken heart.  The music that our heart sings as the ballad of sadness our heart echos, however as the loss sets in, so does the resolve, for the darkness we go through in life will only make the resolve stronger as our inner light shines through.  You can purchase this amazing tube package and matching scrapkit bundle exclusively at CDO here.

Here is a tag that I have made with one of the tubes in the package:

I have also created a matching wallpaper for it as well:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.

I also have a Facebook timeline set with this wonderful package, but a different tube in it, so many endless possibilities with this one!

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017
CT Tag using the amazing new kit out by Hungry Hill called Teal Creek Lodge, a softer side of teals and blues mixed with browns and creams to show the fine elegance that you always find in a Hungry Hill kit.  As she stands with the beautiful flowing fountain from afar as the peace and serenity wash over you in the most beautiful of moments in the thoughts of love that goes from my heart to yours.  You can purchase this kit exclusively at Mystical Scraps here.

I chose to use with a stunning image by Jennifer Janesko, whose art tubes are available for purchase at CDO here.

I also chose to make a matching wallpaper and cluster frame freebie:

Wallpaper can be downloaded here, in size 1920x1080.

You can download this cluster frame freebie here.

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Friday, May 19, 2017
CT Tag for Foxy's Designz using an amazing scrapkit she recently made that has a bit of a dark theme in a splendid theme of purples, blacks, and grays that mix up to weave a creative magic upon us.  The spell has been cast, as the darkness falls where her true self is revealed.  What secrets will you see?  You can purchase this kit exclusively here at CDO.

With this kit I used an amazing tube by Olga Fomina, whose art tubes are available for purchase at CDO here.

I have also made a matching wallpaper with this kit and tag:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017
CT Timeline set with a gorgeous kit by Honored Scraps.  The wisteria is in full bloom, the peace of the moment bringing tranquility to troubled thoughts and you reflect with clarity, she has hidden herself amongst the vines in her special spot.  Do you see her?  You can purchase this kit exclusively at CDO here.

With this wonderful kit, I used the amazing art of Janna Prosvirina, whose art tubes can be purchased at Digital Art Heaven here.

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Monday, May 15, 2017
CT tag with an amazing new kit by Dees'Sign Depot called Your Words.  There is so much truth in beauty in this dark themed kit.  The words one utters has the power to lift up and encourage, or has the power to cut like a knife and although one can regret words said in the heat of the moment, they cannot ever be taken back.  One should remember to choose their words carefully or as one of the awesome wordarts says .... taste your words before you spit them out.  One can forgive something someone has said but you can never forget.  You can purchase this stunning bundle here in Dee's store, as I had used one of the wonderful clusters she made as well.

With this kit, I decided to use a wonderful image by Michael Calandra, his art is so deep and expressive that it provided the perfect match for what this kit conveys.  You can purchase his art tubes at CDO here.

I also made a matching wallpaper for this one as well:

You can download this in size 1920x1080 here.

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CT Tag for CDO and Tasha's Playground using an amazing fairy image by Abranda Icle Flaminio.  A beautiful fairy is sitting amongst her garden, enjoying the bounty of beauty that spring always brings to us as nature has been re-born.  The flowers are in bloom, the birds are singing their song of love as the sparkles of the fairies glisten in the distance.  You can purchase this wonderful tube package here at CDO, or individually here.  With this tube I paired it up with a wonderful kit that matched to perfect by Tasha's Playground, which is also available for purchase here at CDO.

I have also made a matching wallpaper for this one here:

You can download it here in size 1920x1080.

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Saturday, May 13, 2017
Tag creation that I have made for Rebel Dezigns using one of her amazing kits called Got The Blues - a wonderful mini kit expressing the melancholy one feels when they have the blues.  Something has made her deeply sad, morose in her feelings of haunting sadness, she puts on a mask that things are okay but inside, will they ever be okay again?  You can purchase this scrapkit exclusively at CDO here.

With this kit, I decided to use an amazing bonus retired bonus tube by Andreea Cernestean and although this particular tube is not currently available, you can check out her other amazing art tubes that are available for purchase here at CDO.

I also made this into a matching wallpaper: 

You can download this in size 1920x1200 here or 1920x1080 here.

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Thursday, May 11, 2017
CT Tag for CDO and Ladyhawwk Designs using an amazing package newly released by Sara Butcher this month and Ladyhawwk Designs has made an amazing scrapkit to match each of the tubes in it.  There is a glimpse into the world of fairies, the special magic that they weave where they go, the sparkling trail of fairy dust so fine and glittery, as the butterflies do their waltz as they follow.  You can purchase this amazing package and matching kit exclusively at CDO here.

Here is a tag that I have made with one of the tubes in the package:

I have also decided to make a matching wallpaper with this bundle:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.

I also have made a timeline set for Facebook featuring another of the tubes in the package and more goodies, this bundle is just exquisite to work with - a true fairy wonderland.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017
CT Tag for the amazing Hungry Hill using her brand new kit she released this week called Hello World, filled with bursts of happy color to soothe the most chaotic of thoughts and emotions, this beauty is perfect for the celebration of spring and all of its beautiful bounty.  You can see butterflies softly dancing past you, and the birds giving their chirpy melody as you frolic in the sun.  This kit is available for purchase exclusively at Mystical Scraps here.

I used this with an adorable tube by Karen Middleton, this particular tube is a retired Diamond Club tube, but you can check out her other wonderful art tubes available for purchase here at CDO.

I have also made a matching cluster frame freebie with this kit and tag!

Just download this cluster frame here and happy creating!

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