About Me

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Hiya I'm Tonya! I'm an avid psper, have been for a few years and finally have me a blog that I've been working on slowly getting stuff added to. I started writing tuts and recently started making masks and templates. I LOVE to see creations you've made with my things, if you'd like to email me please do so at aquaspinner@gmail.com ................................................. My TOU are as follows: All of my items are personal use only NO Commercial Use, please do not share (distribute) my stuff in groups, just send people here to grab please. ♥ Tutorial writers, if you wish to use my stuff in your tutorials, of course I am honored! You're more than welcome to use my stuff in them, I only require that you link to me and send people here to grab the goodies that you are using in the tut. ................................................. Hope you'll enjoy what I have for ya and thanks for stopping by. ♥

Cluster Frame TOU

Thank you SO much for being so interested in my cluster frames. I love that you enjoy using them.

However I do have a request, please do NOT credit me as the cluster frame on your tags. Although I assembled it, I do not believe I deserve any such credit. If anything, please list Scrapkit by, (assuming you didn't add other bit by a different designer to your tag of course). I'd prefer not be given credit for simply assembling the cluster frame. Thank you ♥

My Artist CTs ♥


My CTs ♥


My Guest CTs ♥



Tuesday, January 10, 2017
CT Timeline for Amy of Gimptastic Scraps using a stunning kit called Tenderness that she recently had released at CDO which is a very soft kit that holds the stirrings of romance, the emotion shown in this kit is so clearly depicted of a tender love held so dear to the heart.  A special momento, a reflection back in time causing all sorts of moments to flood back as if they just happened.  You can purchase this beauty exclusively at CDO here.

I decided to use this kit with the amazing art of Olga Fomina, whose art tubes can also be purchased at CDO here.

 photo Signature2.png


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