About Me

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Hiya I'm Tonya! I'm an avid psper, have been for a few years and finally have me a blog that I've been working on slowly getting stuff added to. I started writing tuts and recently started making masks and templates. I LOVE to see creations you've made with my things, if you'd like to email me please do so at aquaspinner@gmail.com ................................................. My TOU are as follows: All of my items are personal use only NO Commercial Use, please do not share (distribute) my stuff in groups, just send people here to grab please. ♥ Tutorial writers, if you wish to use my stuff in your tutorials, of course I am honored! You're more than welcome to use my stuff in them, I only require that you link to me and send people here to grab the goodies that you are using in the tut. ................................................. Hope you'll enjoy what I have for ya and thanks for stopping by. ♥

Cluster Frame TOU

Thank you SO much for being so interested in my cluster frames. I love that you enjoy using them.

However I do have a request, please do NOT credit me as the cluster frame on your tags. Although I assembled it, I do not believe I deserve any such credit. If anything, please list Scrapkit by, (assuming you didn't add other bit by a different designer to your tag of course). I'd prefer not be given credit for simply assembling the cluster frame. Thank you ♥

My Artist CTs ♥


My CTs ♥


My Guest CTs ♥



Saturday, July 18, 2020
CT Timeline set featuring the stunning art of Jennifer Janesko and a soft and feminine kit by Karmalized Scraps she made to match this month's bonus tube by Charity Dauenhauer.  This kit shows the beauty of romance, the soft glows, the bedroom eyes and graceful beauty of a woman in love with that special someone that makes her heart race as she radiates a special glow.  You can purchase this wonderful kit exclusively at CDO here.

With this kit, I used the stunning art of Jennifer Janesko whose art tubes can be purchased here at CDO.

CT Tag featuring the gorgeous art of Keith Garvey and a stunning kit called Sadness by Honored Scraps.  Though life seems to throw us one curveball after another this year, it tests our resolve to a limit we didn't know we could even hold true, yet through it all, we are stronger together and never letting our faith in ourselves and human nature to rally together fail us.  You can purchase this wonderful kit of Patty's exclusively here at CDO.

With this kit, I used a gorgeous tube by artist Keith Garvey, whose art tubes can be purchased here at CDO.

 I also have made some snag tag extras, just click to view full size and right click and save.  Please note that these are for personal usage only and may not be modified or altered in any way.

I have also made a matching wallpaper for this:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.  As with my snags my wallpapers are for personal usage only and may not be edited or altered in any way.

Thursday, July 16, 2020
CDO CT tag featuring the magical art of Caron Vinson, one of her gorgeous mermaids and a couple of kits by Honored Scraps that went beautifully with her.  The mermaid spends her life in the sea, for it calls her, draws her to her happiest spot, for she knows the that the sea holds her heart like no other place can.  The treasures that are found may be discovered but the truest treasure flows within her heart and soul.  You can purchase this amazing package here at CDO, or the tube individually here.  With this gorgeous tube, I used 2 different kits by Honored Scraps:  The Sea which can be purchased here, and also a few bits from IB-Alena Lazareva January 2018-bt kit which you can find here as well for purchase.

I also have made a set of snag tag extras, just click to view full sized and then right click and save.  Please remember that my snags are for personal usage only and may not be altered or modified in any way.

I also made a wallpaper too:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.  Please note that as with my snags, my wallpapers are for personal usage only and may not be modified or edited in any way.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020
CT Tag featuring the adorable art of Melissa Dawn and also a festively gorgeous kit by Doodle by Design called Christmas Treats.  Who says the holidays are only for December 25?  This lil kitty wants to enjoy a bit of festive fun in July - the tree has been decorated, the twinkle is in the eyes of of the kitty cat as she has decked herself out with sparkly lights and is waiting for Rudolph and Santa to get here.  You can purchase this amazing kit at Lizzy's store here.

With this kit, I used the adorable art of Melissa Dawn, whose art tubes can be purchased here at CDO.

I made this into a FTU cluster frame as well:

You can download the frame here.  Please remember if others want this frame to send them here, please do not upload and share the frame.

I also tagged this with a sexy Keith Garvey tube too, this tube is available for purchase here at CDO as well.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Animated tag featuring the adorable art of Sybile Art as well as 2 scrapkits by AoRK that are just dazzlingly gorgeous!  These bright and bold colors bring about the happy feels immediately when seeing them and are all about being tempting and dazzling!  No matter where you are, what you are doing, where your dazzling crown of unique that makes you special to all that know you.  Don't ever let someone make you feel you are not a dazzling delight.  You can purchase René's gorgeous kits Bedazzled mega here at CDO and I also used some bits from Bedazzlied II mini here as well.  I also paired it up with an animation from package 466 here at CDO as well.  

With these kits, I used the adorable art of Sybile Art!  Her art tubes are available for purchase here at CDO.

I have also made a matching wallpaper (non-animated)

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.  Please note my wallpapers are for personal usage only and may not be edited or altered in any way.

Monday, July 13, 2020
CDO CT tag featuring the adorable art of AlessiaC and a super pretty kit by Ladyhawwk Designs.  Sometimes no matter what life throws at us, we just need to put our best food forward, put on the make-up and show the world what we are made of - sugar and spice and all that is nice, with the determination of steel and a perseverance that carries us through.  You can purchase this amazing tube package here at CDO, or the tube individually here.  I paired this up with the pretty IB-Keith Garvey 279-2 kit by Ladyhawwk Designs which is exclusively available here at CDO.

I also made a snag set of tag extras here, just click to view full size and right click and save.  Please remember my snags are for personal usage only and may not be edited or altered in any way.

I also have made a wallpaper to go with this as well:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.  As with my snags, my wallpapers are for personal usage only and may not be altered or edited in any way.

Thursday, July 9, 2020
CDO CT Timeline set featuring the amazing art of Maigan Lynn and a gorgeous matching kit by Kizzed by Kelz.  This super fun package of Maigan's newly released art is all about peace, love, good times, and groovin' to whatever chills us at our happy place.  These cute lil flamingos have hopped into the van and off they go to their destination and maybe pick up any new friends along the way too.  So remember to get your groove on!  You can purchase this package here at CDO.  I also paired it up with a splendid matching kit that Kizzed by Kelz made to match these tubes.  You can purchase the kit which includes the tube package here at CDO.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020
CDO CT Tag featuring the super fun package by Maigan Lynn released this month and oh my gosh how fun this was!  Step back into the past at a time where everything just seemed simpler, more care-free, not so uptight and just a time of peace and love and anything that helped that along.  These days for many it's this wonderful hobby of PSP to take the mind off the trials and tribulations.  Step back into the hippie magical time with Maigan's gorgeous new tube package which is available here at CDO.  I paired it up with a matching scrapkit by Kizzed by Kelz, if you'd like to get this kit you can purchase it here, which includes the 3 tubes in the package as well.

I also made a snag set with this, just click to view full-size and right click and save.  My snags are for personal usage only and may not be modified or altered in any way.

There is also a matching wallpaper too!

You can download the wallpaper here, in size 1920x1080.  Please remember, as with my snags my wallpapers are for personal usage only and may not be altered or edited in any way.

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