About Me

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Hiya I'm Tonya! I'm an avid psper, have been for a few years and finally have me a blog that I've been working on slowly getting stuff added to. I started writing tuts and recently started making masks and templates. I LOVE to see creations you've made with my things, if you'd like to email me please do so at aquaspinner@gmail.com ................................................. My TOU are as follows: All of my items are personal use only NO Commercial Use, please do not share (distribute) my stuff in groups, just send people here to grab please. ♥ Tutorial writers, if you wish to use my stuff in your tutorials, of course I am honored! You're more than welcome to use my stuff in them, I only require that you link to me and send people here to grab the goodies that you are using in the tut. ................................................. Hope you'll enjoy what I have for ya and thanks for stopping by. ♥

Cluster Frame TOU

Thank you SO much for being so interested in my cluster frames. I love that you enjoy using them.

However I do have a request, please do NOT credit me as the cluster frame on your tags. Although I assembled it, I do not believe I deserve any such credit. If anything, please list Scrapkit by, (assuming you didn't add other bit by a different designer to your tag of course). I'd prefer not be given credit for simply assembling the cluster frame. Thank you ♥

My Artist CTs ♥


My CTs ♥


My Guest CTs ♥



Saturday, July 29, 2017
Timeline set that I have made with an amazing kit by Rebel Dezigns that has a very ethereal angel theme to it.  One can take comfort in the thought of there are angels above to watch over us, that we are never alone, no matter how much we think we may be.  You can purchase this wonderful kit by Rene at CDO here, however hurry, all of her kits are retiring at the end of this month.

I used with a stunning tube by Steve Baier, although this tube is not currently available, he does now sell at CDO, you can check out his other tubes available for purchase here.

CT Timeline set for the amazing Tasha of Tasha's Playground using a fun beach-themed kit she has released at CDO called Feels Like Paradise.  Such a wonderful summer-theme to this as you can just about feel the hot sand squishing between your toes and the waves crashing in the distance as you work with it.  Summer is here and is showing her magic in the long sunny days and a day at the beach feels just like paradise.  You can purchase this kit exclusively at CDO here.

I decided to use with the wonderful art of Marika, whose art tubes are also available at CDO here.

Friday, July 28, 2017
CT Tag for the amazing Rebecca Sinz using a gorgeous tube of hers called Peach.  Such beautifully striking tones she has used to portray the inner contemplation of her darkest thoughts, and yet through the darkness she sees the rays of hope that guides her through her tough times.  The heartbreak she has seen will not dull the inner shine she evokes.  You can purchase this amazing tube in her store here.  I paired this up with a kit of Chichi Designz' however I did a little bit of hue map to match to this amazing image.  You can purchase her kit here in her store.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017
CT Tag for Patty of Honored Scraps using a very special kit to me as she made it for my birthday and I so adore her for this sweet gift, thank you.  The theme of this beauty is roses, which can mean so many different things but all are so very beautiful.  The thoughtfulness of love behind the gift of them for their special friend or loved one to say I love you, or I am thinking of you, or simply to say "I Heart You"  You can purchase this sweet kit exclusively at CDO here.

I decided to use this kit with a wonderful image by Jennifer Janesko, whose tubes you can purchase at CDO here as well.

There is also a matching wallpaper of course:

You can download size 1366x768 here or 1920x1080 here.

Sunday, July 23, 2017
CT Tag for Foxy's Designz using an amazing kit she created - the magic of the enchanted fairy, the ones we remember hearing about in the grandest storybooks of our childhood dreams.  Yet who says the dream has to end?  Believe in her and your dreams can still be true.  Naysayers may try to dim that belief, but always hold onto the hope she offers.  You can purchase this stunning kit at CDO here.

I decided to pair this up with a wonderful tube by Caron Vinson, whose tube images are also available at CDO here.

I also decided to make a matching wallpaper for this tag and kit:

You can download it as-is, here in size 1920x1080.

CT Tag using an amazing image by Jasmine Becket-Griffith.  She has found herself inside the peaceful butterfly realm - the flutter-byes drifting past her in their search of the perfect spot but in their transformation being complete as they emerge from their cocoon, the beauty opens to the eyes of what was always there.  You can purchase this amazing package 172 here at CDO or this individual image here as well.

I have also made a matching wallpaper:

You can download this wallpaper, as-is in size 1920x1080 here.

Saturday, July 22, 2017
CT Tag for the amazing Hungry Hill with a gorgeous kit of hers that she has re-released at Mystical Scraps called Wednesday's Child.  There is such a soft beauty even on a rainy dreary day one can sit by and enjoy the beauty of the nature around her drinking in the nectar from the sky.  Thoughts cannot help but wonder of the dreams she has, her hopes for tomorrow.  You can purchase this beautiful kit at Mystical Scraps exclusively here.  Be sure to check out her other kits too as she is Designer of the Month there and her kits are 50% off woohoo!

I paired this up with a wonderful tube by Selina Fenech, I just love her art - so expressive.  Her art tubes are now available to be purchased independently from her on her site here.

I made this into a matching cluster frame to my tag too:

You can download the cluster frame freebie here.

There is also a matching wallpaper that I made:

You can download it here as-is, in size 1920x1080.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017
CT Tag made using one of the kits in the amazing collab that CDO designers have put out for this month and the theme is just so much fun - Gone Glamping!!!!  Combination of the love of the great outdoors - the communing with nature but with a touch of glam!  You can receive this amazing collab for free until the end of this month if you purchase any 3 kits at CDO.  Check out the promo here for more details.  For this creation I used Amy - Gimptastic Scraps' portion.

I paired this up with a fabulous new artist at CDO too - introducing this month the art of Jeremias Colmenares, whose art tubes can be purchased here at CDO.

I also made a matching wallpaper:

You can download it as-is here, in size 1920x1080.

CT tag for Barbara Jensen and Ladyhawwk Designs using the incredible SURPRISE tube that you get in Barb's new package, this tube is in the zip of the package though only until August 1st so hurry and do not miss out, this tube is so stunning with lots of layers as per usual of Barb's stunning art.  She is a captivating vision in her beauty, but her true beauty shines from within.  You can purchase her new package here in her store.  I paired this up with a gorgeous kit by Ladyhawwk Designs called Breathless - it just seemed to fit so perfectly with this image.  This kit may be purchased in Barb's store here as well.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017
CT Tag for Tasha's Playground using her new kit this month that matches the stunning bonus tube by Yuriko Shirou.  This is a gorgeous kit in a very dark and gothic theme, showing how one can be so broken inside, they are unsure if their world will ever be right again.  Will the light appear at the end of the tunnel to lead them out of the darkness?  You can purchase this wonderful kit exclusively here at CDO.

I could not resist using this kit with the tube that inspired it.  You can receive this tube free through the 31st of this month, after spending $10 or more (after any discounts) on Yuriko Shirou tubes, you can check them out here at CDO for purchase.

I have also made a matching wallpaper for this tag and kit:

You can download it here as-is, in size 1920x1080.

Monday, July 17, 2017
CT Tag for Barbara Jensen and Ladyhawwk Designs using one of the amazing tubes that was released today at Barb's store in her new package.  This is such a gorgeous tube that has tons of layers so you can really tag this in so many different ways.  The glow of summer, with the warm breezes as the sun shines down giving us the golden glows as we enjoy the beautiful bounty of outdoors, from the glorious blooms of flowers, the birds chirping their special song as they sit for a rest in the bird bath.  You can purchase this tube and the rest of the package here in Barb's store.  I paired this up with a great summer-themed kit called Sweet Summer by Ladyhawwk Designs, which can be purchased here in Barb's store as well.

CT Tag for Barbara Jensen and Ladyhawwk Designs using one of the stunning new tubes in Package 89 at Barb's store, that just released today.  There is such magic in this package, the possibilities are truly endless.  She has decided to take a little me time, every lady needs to do that on occasion to stay refreshed and relaxed and she is just glowing with it.  You can purchase this wonderful package here at Barb's store.  I paired it up with Ladyhawwk Designs' kit called Temperate which seemed to be a perfect blend of the softness of this image.  You can purchase this kit in Barb's store here.

CT Tag for Barbara Jensen and Ladyhawwk Designs using one of the new tubes that just released today at Barb's store.  The entire package is so stunning and this tube is called Date Night.  I night of glam is ahead and she has gotten all dolled up for the perfect evening out with her love.  You can purchase this and the whole package here in Barb's store.  I paired it up with a stunning kit by Ladyhawwk Designs called Girly that seemed to fit the theme of the tube to perfection.  This kit may be purchased in Barb's store here as well.

Sunday, July 16, 2017
CT Tag for Dee of Dees'Sign Depot using her amazing new kit called Splash - the celebration of the love of the sea as one immerses in the deep dark mystery and secrets she holds.  The sea can be washed off of you but it never departs from your soul, as it carries you and lets you be adrift among mystery, where will it take you next?  You can purchase this amazing bundle, which includes kit, clusters, and frames all for one bargain price, here in Dee's Store.  I paired this up with a stunning tube by Maxine Gadd, unfortunately her art is no longer available in tube format.

I also have made a matching wallpaper for this tag and kit:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.

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