About Me

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Hiya I'm Tonya! I'm an avid psper, have been for a few years and finally have me a blog that I've been working on slowly getting stuff added to. I started writing tuts and recently started making masks and templates. I LOVE to see creations you've made with my things, if you'd like to email me please do so at aquaspinner@gmail.com ................................................. My TOU are as follows: All of my items are personal use only NO Commercial Use, please do not share (distribute) my stuff in groups, just send people here to grab please. ♥ Tutorial writers, if you wish to use my stuff in your tutorials, of course I am honored! You're more than welcome to use my stuff in them, I only require that you link to me and send people here to grab the goodies that you are using in the tut. ................................................. Hope you'll enjoy what I have for ya and thanks for stopping by. ♥

Cluster Frame TOU

Thank you SO much for being so interested in my cluster frames. I love that you enjoy using them.

However I do have a request, please do NOT credit me as the cluster frame on your tags. Although I assembled it, I do not believe I deserve any such credit. If anything, please list Scrapkit by, (assuming you didn't add other bit by a different designer to your tag of course). I'd prefer not be given credit for simply assembling the cluster frame. Thank you ♥

My Artist CTs ♥


My CTs ♥


My Guest CTs ♥



Sunday, January 29, 2017
CT Tag for the amazing Hungry Hill using her new kit Always and Forever, which was just released last week at CDO.  The theme is love and the celebration of uniting two lives together as one.  You can see the sparkle in everyone's eyes, but their eyes are only for each other.  The day has arrived and every moment will be special - the cake, the decorations, the flowers are all perfection and the time is soon to be starting with the festivities.  You can purchase this kit exclusively at CDO here.

I decided to go a bit cute with this one, and used this month's bonus tube by Cuddly Rigor Mortis, you can receive this one for free if you purchase $10 or more of tubes (after any discounts applied) but hurry you can only get until January 31st, check out her art here at CDO.

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CT Tag for Foxy's Designz using a stunning inspired by kit that she made last year to match a fun bonus tube at CDO.  This kit is so lovely in soft shades of pink and mint green with the aura of love is in the air.  This kit would work great for Valentine's too, showing the delicate love as it blooms to grow strong.  You can purchase this kit exclusively at CDO here.

I decided to use this with the amazing art of Ana Neves, whose art can be purchased here at CDO.

There is also a matching wallpaper to go with this tag and kit:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080

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Saturday, January 28, 2017
CT Tag for Dees'Sign Depot using her adorable collab she did with Sophistocat Simone called Crazy For You.  Love is in the air and in full bloom in this kit.  The soft sweetness of love, hearts, and flowers fill this amazing kit to show the true celebration depicting love unending that you have for the special someone in your life. You can purchase this amazing collab kit at Dee's store here.

I decided to use with an adorable tube by Maryline Cazenave, you can get her adorable art tubes exclusively at CDO here.

I also have a matching wallpaper here:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.

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Friday, January 27, 2017
CT Tag for the amazing Rebecca Sinz using a gorgeous tube of hers called Black Tiara - this image has fairy wings or without so you have some options as to what style of tag you wish to make.  The dark of the night is all around her, the cold and dark closing in, and one can either find shelter from it or embrace it, let it envelop you as you absorb the peace and tranquility you find as the answers come to you.  This wonderful image tube may be purchased in Rebecca's store here.  I chose to pair it up with a gorgeous kit by Chichi Designz, Whispers of Nature, which can be purchased in her store here.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2017
CT Tag for Ladyhawwk Designs using a stunning kit she made to match a specific Elias Chatzoudis tube.  This kit is filled with a beautiful array of pinks, golds, yellows, and creams to give a very ethereal quality, with a bit of an angel theme to it.  You can go so many directions with it and I went a bit of a playful way and Maryline Cazenave's puppies were so perfect for it.  They have been relaxing with a bit of a snooze and now have woken up (mostly) and are ready to play, won't you join them?  You can purchase Cat's kit exclusively at CDO here.

I used with an adorable Maryline Cazenave tube.  You can purchase all of her cuties at CDO here.

I also made this into a matching wallpaper of course:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Tag that I made using a gorgeous gothic kit by Rebel Dezigns which was made to match a bonus tube from last February by Angel Diegel.  You can sense that although one shows their feminine side, they can be gothic at heart.  There is an inner peace and comfort showing the gothic, dark side of ones self.  She has seen pain, heartache, and love and all she has experienced has made her who she is today.  You can purchase this wonderful kit by René exclusively here at CDO.

I decided to use with a wonderful tube by Andreea Cernestean, whose amazing art tubes can be purchased at CDO here.

I also have a matching wallpaper here:

You can download size 1920x1200 here or 1920x1080 here.

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CT Tag for Chichi Designz' amazing new Valentine's themed kit called Love Shivers.  This kit is all about the celebration of love and is so perfect for the upcoming Valentine's Day holiday.  She has packed it full of possibilities and love and also done it in a way that it is so easy to make the creations for year round, not just Valentine's Day.  The romantic melody is playing at the piano nearby, the wine is chilling, the chocolates have arrived, the mood set for love in this amazing kit, which can be purchased in Cindy's store here.

I used with an old tube from CILM by Jennifer Janesko, although this particular tube is not currently available, you can check out other ones available for purchase at CDO here.

I also made a cluster frame freebie to match this tag:

You can download this cluster frame here, please leave some love if you do, it is very appreciated.  ♥

I also have a matching wallpaper for this tag:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.

I also made a matching timeline set for Facebook with this kit, using an amazing tube by Zindy Nielsen.  Although this particular tube is not currently available, you can check out her other art tubes available for purchase here in her store.  This time I went along the lines of a shattered love feel.  This kit is so very versatile, you can easily go from happy love, to a very sad, lost love.  She has received her last rose from her someone special and her heart has been shattered, so deep is the cut, so deep is the loss of the other half of her soul.

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Monday, January 23, 2017
CT Timeline set made with a darling kit by Tasha's Playground which was made to match this month's bonus tube at CDO by Karen Middleton.  This sweet kitty is curled up all snugly keeping warm and laying out in the sun for a much-deserved siesta.  There is nothing like a kitty's purr of contentment as the sun blazes and she naps.  The bird chirping in the distance offers a sweet lullaby as she drifts off to dreams of more cuddles and attention.  You can purchase this kit of Tasha's exclusively here at CDO.  

I chose to use the adorable bonus tube with this kit, and also one of her retired bonus tubes (the bird).  You can get the main kitty tube all this month for free if you spend $10 or more on tubes (after any discounts applied).  You can check out Karen's adorable art tubes here at CDO.

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Sunday, January 22, 2017
CT Tag using an amazing image by Rebecca Sinz, called Bleeding Hearts - this is a wonderful image to show the pain she has seen, yet no matter what pain she sees, her heart is big and holds much love, even amongst the darkness, the love continues to shine through making her spirit glow.  She adds much sunlight to those around her and is an inspiration to even the darkest soul.  You can purchase this image in her store here.  I paired it up with a kit by Jessica of Gothic Inspirations, called Suzanne's Light and I also used parts of the add-on as well.  You can find both kits in her store here and here.

I have also added a wallpaper for this wonderful kit and tube:

You can download it here, in size 1920x1080.

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Friday, January 20, 2017
CT Timeline set using a beautiful kit that Patty made to match one of this month's bonus tubes at CDO.  Such a soft pretty-in-pink theme this kit has going on.  The glow of love radiates through as she thinks of her special someone, her heart so filled with love.  This kit works so perfectly for Valentine's Day coming up or just any creation that shows a little extra love in it.  You can purchase it exclusively at CDO here.

I decided to use this one with a gorgeous image by Jennifer Janesko, whose art tubes are available for purchase at CDO here.

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CT Tag for Chichi Designz using a stunning kit she made to match a tube by Anna Marine.  So pretty, yet so dark and mysterious.  They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and this is so very true, one can put on layers of pretty on the outside, yet it is on the inside that true beauty radiates through.  One may face many a dark time in their lives and the eyes reveal much of the person she has become, who she lets close to know the light that shines from within.  You can purchase this kit exclusively at CDO here.

I could not resist using with the tube that inspired this kit, you can purchase this tube at CDO here.

I also made a matching wallpaper for this tag:

You can download the wallpaper here, in size 1920x1080.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2017
CT Tag for Rieneke Designs using an amazing kit of hers called Always Yours, which is just perfect for Valentine's Day coming up or those creations you want to add just a little bit of extra love into.  Romance is in the air and deep red rose shows the deep and abiding love she has for her someone special, for that someone special will always be in her heart and truly always yours.  You can purchase this kit in Rieneke's store here.

I paired this up with a beautiful tube by Rachel Anderson, whose art tubes are available for purchase at CDO here.

I have also made a matching cluster frame:

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